In the near future, a novel generaton of cooperatve associatons will be accountable for half of the world economy. This is the bold vision of renowned futurologist Jeremy Rifin who backs his claim with a series of substantal arguments. His work depicts the scene of a rapid difusion of social innovators worldwide who are changing the way business models are conceived.
In additon, traditonal cooperatves also look forward to vast new opportunites, for they dispose of „the most important future currency“: large networks. Approximately 90% of all cooperatve clients (half of a billion worldwide) believe, that a „collaboratve
economy“ (we call it WeComs) will be the next evolutonary stage.
Markus Stegfellner, co-founder of the WeQ Foundaton, is tackling this issue specifcally: he developed GenoVaton, a systemic development process for cooperatve innovatons and business models.
The pilot workshop for WeComs GenoVatons will take place on the 19th and 20th of July in the Axica WeQ Space in Berlin.
Markus Stegfellner, Mitstifter der WeQ Foundation, geht dieses Thema nun sehr konkret an: mit einem GenoVations-Prozess, einem systematischen Entwicklungsprozess für neue genossenschaftliche Innovationen und Geschäftsmodelle.
Am 19./20. Juli findet der Pilotworkshop für WeComs GenoVations im AXICA WeQ Space in Berlin statt.
Markus Stegfellner
Cooperative for the Common Good